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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a support regarding formulas with if and excel conditions along with formula "=COUNTIF(L11:AP11,"X")+COUNTIF(L11:AP11,"H")*0.5"
Solved by B. B. in 21 mins
How’s it going? Here I have a table (let’s call it Table 1) that would ordinarily be populated, but I cannot share the values unfortunately. To the far right you can see another little table I used to find the average values for each category and year using AVERAGEIF and also basic formulas for year on year changes (let’s call it Table 2). On Sheet2 is the transposed version of that table (Table 3), which is the one I want to populate using a formula linking it to Table 1 (eliminating the need for Table 2). I think the formula to use might be HLOOKUP, but I could be wrong… maybe HLOOKUP and AVERAGEIF. I would really appreciate your help on this. Thanks!
Solved by G. A. in 12 mins
Sum and Average across multiple sheets. I'm quite adequate with excel but can't figures out how to do sumif and averageif across multiple sheets.
Solved by B. W. in 30 mins
i am trying to set up a table with dates but i want my table to give me 3 out come one complete 2 dates and third result i have done up a a wee table to test this but it no giving me the right result i am using if and and today statements can u help me or tell me where i am going wrong thank u and
Solved by V. S. in 13 mins
I need help with nested if and index match with multiple criterias in my sheet.
Solved by I. Y. in 15 mins
Need help calculating commission based on the excel file I am attaching. The determination of the appropriate commission requires more complicated logic than the base pay. It is recommended that you add a column for “Commission Sales” where you create a formula using the VLOOKUP function to determine how much sales the associate requires for commission (# of hours multiplied by Hourly Sales in the lookup table – this will give you the amount of sales that is required to earn commission). Once you have calculated this, the commission formula must determine if a commission is to be paid, the applicable commission rate, the portion of sales on which to base the commission. Since the commission formula involves several lookups and decisions, you realize that nesting the IF and VLOOKUP functions is required.
Solved by B. B. in 18 mins
the commission formula must determine if a commission is to be paid, the applicable commission rate, the portion of sales on which to base the commission. Since the commission formula involves several lookups and decisions, you realize that nesting the IF and VLOOKUP functions is required. The commisson figures are located on the Data sheet and the total hours worked for each employee is on the last sheet.
Solved by Z. F. in 16 mins
Hello, please can you help me with the concept of excel if else?
Solved by D. F. in 30 mins
I would like to know how If and arrays work. can you please help me with if else excel
Solved by B. B. in 28 mins
Is it possible to get a summary of items entered. eg If I have a table, quantity, item number, description. And I have a summary sheet. Can this summary sheet pick up if and of the quantity fields has a number in then it will appear on the summary sheet as quantity and description? thanks
Solved by C. Y. in 19 mins