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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I want to enter a formula that will automatically round down to no a whole number with no decimals. I do not understand what I need to enter into the Function screen for round down.
Solved by D. C. in 11 mins
I need a formula to round up or round down a sheet with multiple cells containing whole numbers to be rounded to either 5 or 0
Solved by M. H. in 27 mins
Can I create a rule that says for example $0.50 to $0.99 round up to nearest dollar and $0.01 to $0.29 round down
Solved by I. Y. in 20 mins
Is there a way to round up and down to a set group of quantities?
Solved by K. S. in 26 mins
Can you help me to create a count down timer that will automatically count down each hour. VBA is much better on this.
Solved by T. H. in 11 mins