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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Can you provide a scatterplot showing the relationship between the balance (independent variable) and the duration of the call (dependent variable) with clear title and axis labels.
Solved by E. S. in 19 mins
I want help on Excel VBA, to send a variable range of cells through Excel using Outlook
Solved by A. F. in 12 mins
Can the counter variable for an Excel VBA be an array element? [ie, For A(N) = 1 to 9]
Solved by G. A. in 24 mins
i need vba code for excel to find the last cell of data in a variable column and to then add data beneath this
Solved by E. H. in 24 mins
VBA HELP: For Each Next or Loop addition to my code: I have a variable, named C, that's referencing a cell value. After running the code, I want that reference to move down 1 row, select that new cell value, place it into my C variable and run macro again. Repeat until all values in range have been completed.
Solved by T. S. in 26 mins