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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

how do you calculate percentile rank in excel when the question mean is known for 10 companies. Example the Mean is 3.58 from the sum of the 10 companies Mean divided by 10. The lowest Mean of the 10 organizations is 2.85 and the highest Mean is 4.22 Our goal is to be able to show the percentile rank of the 10 companies for their mean.
Solved by X. W. in 27 mins
For salary ranges: I have the mid and I think I know how to calculate the minimum and maximum. What I don't know how to do is calculate the percentiles, i.e. 25th percentile etc. I looked at the excel examples on line, but I couldn't get them to work.
Solved by G. B. in 20 mins
How to rank in excel with multiple criteria.
Solved by S. H. in 29 mins
I want to add rank formula excel in my pivot table. I used rank formulas in calculated field but it just #N/A. How to calculate ranking based on the value in pivot table?
Solved by E. W. in 19 mins
Pivot table rank in excel 2013 is not correct
Solved by A. S. in 13 mins