Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I am creating a spreadsheet with each cell having two lines of text. It looks fine when I save it, but when I open it again, many cells have part of the second line on the first line. Windows 10. Thanks
Solved by T. J. in 16 mins
What is the fomula to use when you put a number in first cell and the rest of the cells in the row come up with a strike through line through the data?
Solved by F. J. in 15 mins
I need a formula to combine text data in one cell with text in another however I need to remove e from words before adding the text EG Data entered into field = like next line should read likes a hidden column will have s next line liking ing next line liked ed Only e needs to be removed before ing or ed can be added
Solved by X. C. in 25 mins
I need a macro that will look through a list and find and replace text if it is contained in the strin
Solved by X. C. in 29 mins
I need to go through a list of text strings and match them with a cell containing some text. If any of the text strings is found within the text, then I would like to insert the corresponding value of the text string in a particular column.