Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need a formula to extract the date from "assigned 01/03/2018 10:11 am" text and that excel would recognize the date as a proper date so that I could compare which date is earlier to another date
Solved by S. S. in 29 mins
Understand a if plus date function - if a cell has text then return a date
Solved by C. Q. in 28 mins
I require a formula to change the following text into date format: 20180102
Solved by I. C. in 19 mins
I have just created a calendar on Excel. I want to insert a function where i can select a cell (date), and then a Text Box appears with details of an event on that date. Is this possible?
Solved by A. A. in 23 mins
I need help with a formula to combine 3 cells, display the date as excel date format and add sequential number at the end. This is what I came up with... =(E2&""&C2&""&D2),(TEXT(C2,"ddmmmyyyy")),(TEXT(ROW(C2),"0")