Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
=SUMIF function wouldn't work on one criteria, whereas it counts with the others with the same formulas (different names)
=SUMIF(D1:D28;"Dell";U1:U28) works and gives values
=SUMIF(D1:D28;"Morpho";U1:U28) gives 0
Solved by O. Y. in 25 mins
Not allowing me to combine a sumproduct and sumif function in excel. Both the sumproduct and sumif functions have multiple criteria
Solved by E. W. in 26 mins
need help with sumif formula to include include two words
Solved by S. H. in 17 mins
My sumif function is returning results for a different criteria, no syntax error indicated.
Solved by S. A. in 18 mins
SUMIF formula help where I need to sum across multiple worksheets and criteria