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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Sumif formula not working with multiple criteria
Solved by B. F. in 22 mins
Not allowing me to combine a sumproduct and sumif function in excel. Both the sumproduct and sumif functions have multiple criteria
Solved by E. W. in 26 mins
SUMIF formula help where I need to sum across multiple worksheets and criteria
Solved by G. H. in 27 mins
need help with sumif formula with multiple levels
Solved by Z. W. in 26 mins
I need to sum multiple columns with multiple rows based on criteria. I'm currently using a SumIf with offset formula. However, instead of returning the sum with the 12 columns I intend, it's only returning the sum of the first column in the array. Please help!
Solved by X. C. in 18 mins