Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Hi With excel my result is 1.932% and with a calculator it is 1.924. Can you explain the difference. I have tried rounding up and down but cannot get the same answers
Solved by Z. L. in 14 mins
I have created a formula with true and false however would like it to be $0 if the cells are blank.
=IF(AND(OR('BT Calculator'!C4="Super/Pension",'BT Calculator'!C4="IDPS"),'BT Calculator'!D4-'BT Calculator'!E4=0),180,540)
Solved by O. E. in 12 mins
sir, how to find age calculator age on date formula
Solved by A. A. in 22 mins
How to calculate the sum of time difference in hour minute and sec between the start time and end time under Benny?
Solved by E. H. in 26 mins
I want to setup my pviot to auto-calculate to view difference in PV Table vs. Grand Total.
Difference in sum of quantity instead of grand total.