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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How to display a checkbox only when a cell condition is met
Solved by A. W. in 13 mins
I need to take some particular cells in excel one our condition met
Solved by T. W. in 23 mins
=IF(I3=J3,I3,(I3-J3)) This is my formula it compares whether i3=J3 if the condition is met it calculates I3-J3. what i want to do is if the condition is not met . i mean if I3 is not equal to J3 it should simply post I3 value
Solved by A. L. in 17 mins
How do I make a cell show (List #1) IF (Condition #1 is met), BUT Show (List # 2) IF (Condition # 2 is met)? So on, and so on. I have about 50 Different list's I want a single cell to show, Depending on the conditions in the cell's above it. I tried entering my formula into the Data Validation, but that only accepts a single formula (No Nesting) Please help. Thanks :)
Solved by I. J. in 18 mins
I am trying to make my vba code repeat infinitely and save to a pdf upon a condition being met. I want it to just look at the condition and save.
Solved by M. U. in 26 mins