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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Extract DAY as text from a date string - followed by additional text
Solved by I. J. in 23 mins
I am putting a time liner together. I would like to read the string of character and return in the start date and end date 2 separate cells. The string of characters is the number of resources and the header of my table are the dates
Solved by I. W. in 16 mins
I need to turn a string of number s (ex: 120518) into a date 12/05/18
Solved by B. F. in 15 mins
How do I find all formulas in 32 sheets over hundreds of rows that contain a partial string such as "This Company" where the formula looks like "=if(H2 = "This Company", "Yes","No"). This is a bit more complicated, but the upshot is that I need ti use VBA to locate formulas where the partial contents match a specific string. Any suggestions?
Solved by X. C. in 28 mins
I tried to convert a value into date but excel gave me a unique string referencing months and years instead.
Solved by V. B. in 19 mins