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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I do not know why but I started to get Excel error on W7 MSoffice 2007 student ,How fix Excel stdole32.tlb
Solved by M. S. in 18 mins
Al iniciar Excel 2007 me arroja el error Stdole32.tlb. corre una correccion se demora unos minutos y luego puedo continuar. se repite en todas las ocasiones que lo utilizo. Saludos.
Solved by D. C. in 18 mins
I get an error message when I try to open excel 2007. it reads STDOLE.32.TLB, I ENTER OK. Excel then tries to configure. This happens all the time.
Solved by K. A. in 27 mins
I have Microsoft 365 Home Excel on my Windows 10 laptop. I have a stock spreadsheet with downloads from brokerage firms to meld into into it.. But I have a version of Windows Excel 2007 on my desktop. I am having problems transfering the spreadsheet file to my desktop. It probably nees to be updated. How do I do this?
Solved by E. J. in 13 mins
Excel documents created in windows 7 crash in windows 10 unless the link to other files are broken
Solved by D. D. in 13 mins