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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

x= a*cos(Kx *t) y=b*sin (Ky *t) parametic equation
Solved by E. H. in 18 mins
i cant calculate sin(20*pi*0) 0-80 i need some assistants
Solved by A. F. in 20 mins
I am trying to figure out the average speed and direction between 0-45, 45-90,91+ in degrees. The direction (DIR) is given in degrees while the speed (SPD) is given in mph. I am trying to input the formula into column V.
Solved by V. U. in 17 mins
Looking to have Lat. Long in - Degrees Minutes Decimal Minutes 120* 23.2345' Can you do that?
Solved by O. H. in 26 mins
Hi! How can I change the setting to find the sine angle in degrees?
Solved by K. E. in 21 mins