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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need help with round in excel. I want to round up but my spreadsheet automatically round to the nearest number.
Solved by T. W. in 26 mins
I need a hand with a nested if formula =IF($C$6="Round 1",'Round 1'!M7,IF($C$6="Round 2",IF($C$6="Round 3",IF($C$6="Round 4","")))) it works for round 1 but when i select round 2>4 it wont. i need to duplicate but not sure how to. Your help is appreciated.
Solved by Z. Y. in 14 mins
I want help with round average excel. how do you round your number to the nearest 2 decimal point but after finding an average
Solved by T. Q. in 11 mins
How to do excel round to nearest 1000 with a formula in excel
Solved by S. Q. in 28 mins
I have a number in a excel formula round up that I need to round up to the next 100. For example I have a number of 2499 sq. ft that I need to calculate at a rate of $3 for every 100 feet over the first 1000 sq. ft. - that number is 1499 but I need to round up to 1500. =B60-1000 sorry if I don't make sense...
Solved by Z. C. in 22 mins