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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Please help combine 28 string formulas into 1 x cell. I realize I need to break it up into different cells due to limit on character in string.
Solved by E. E. in 25 mins
I need to remove the numbers/letters after the hashtag and before the bracket from a string such as 7f/Te4 $JGA (#B11)
Solved by C. E. in 18 mins
Hi I want to remove last 6 charactors in a string
Solved by M. D. in 22 mins
I am putting a time liner together. I would like to read the string of character and return in the start date and end date 2 separate cells. The string of characters is the number of resources and the header of my table are the dates
Solved by I. W. in 16 mins
Private Sub CommandButton1() Dim myFormula As String myFormula = "=IF(ISNA(INDIRECT(""K""&MATCH(M2;B:B;0)));0;INDIRECT(""K""&MATCH(M2;B:B;0)))" Range("L2").Select Range("L2").Formula = myFormula End Sub When I start this macro code I have error 1004. If I remove from string initialization “=” then in cell “L”” I have regular string witch is not formula.
Solved by O. J. in 11 mins