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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Create a frequency distribution for the data using 7 classes, beginning at 115 lbs, with a class width of 10 lbs. List upper and lower class limits on the graph. With the frequency distribution develop the following charts o Frequency Histogram o Relative frequency distribution o Relative frequency histogram
Solved by A. F. in 24 mins
Create a histogram for the duration data using the frequency table and use the "Frequency" results, not the relative frequencies. Labeled with meaningful axis titles and a chart title.
Solved by V. Q. in 18 mins
I need to show a frequency distribution and a histogram for a set of 200 data. all ranging from 43-116. I have sorted it from smallest to largest and would like to class the data from 40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79,80-89,90-99,100-109, 109-110, and 110-119. How do I create the frequency distribution and histogram with this data?
Solved by O. F. in 28 mins
Hi I am having trouble locating the megastat add on or locating the tool that will help me create a frequency distribution table with a histogram.
Solved by B. U. in 17 mins
Having trouble locating the Megastat add on for mac (2016) cant seem to locate the add on or locate the tool that will help me create a chart for frequency distribution and a histogram.
Solved by F. H. in 14 mins