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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Forecasting dependent demand, given a straight-line relationship with the independent variable using linear regression. If you scroll to the right, you will see tab "Case 2"
Solved by K. L. in 14 mins
Run a linear regression to predict runs (the independent variable) from singles, doubles, triples, home runs, home runs, walks, stolen bases and sacrifice plays. This means Y is column F and the dependent variables X1, X2, are columns I through P. Name the regression sheet "all variables".
Solved by G. D. in 16 mins
I need to create 5 bar graphs with one independent variable and three dependent variables.
Solved by O. S. in 16 mins
I would like someone to help me create 2 dummy variable and a regression
Solved by C. Q. in 27 mins
Run a regression using the total demand for each product as a dependent variable,Include the following as explanatory variables: 1.Weekday2.Quarter3.Days since open4.Price of the product5.Indicators fora.Promoted on IGb.Promoted on FBc.IG ft. hatsd.IG ft. shirtse.IG ft. Jeansf.IG ft. Jacketsg.FB ft. hatsh.FB ft. shirtsi.FB ft. Jeansj.FB ft. Jackets
Solved by V. F. in 25 mins