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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need to recover an excel file that did not get saved to my google drive
Solved by X. S. in 17 mins
Saved over an Excel file by mistake, but cannot recover
Solved by A. A. in 30 mins
I have accidentally not saved a file on excel. I have gone to File-Open-Recover unsaved workbooks but there is nothing there. Please can you give me an idea of how to recover my work.
Solved by O. B. in 29 mins
need to recover a lost file have tried everything and cannot recover the saved file that was moved or deleted by accident
Solved by T. Y. in 20 mins
I have a Mac OS 10.14. I accidentally saved over a file on Excel. How do I recover previous versions?
Solved by O. W. in 12 mins