Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need help adding totals in random order.
Solved by T. Y. in 13 mins
if K6 is bigger than D246, then make a random number between 240 and 1. if not, then make a random number between K6 and 1. I need this formula in L7.
Solved by G. H. in 22 mins
I have a list of random generated numbers from 1 through 100. I need a formula that will list the number of instances for each number 1 through 100. For example: My list generates 1000 random generated numbers between 1 and 100. I want to know how many times the number 50 is resulted from the 1000 random generated numbers.
Solved by V. D. in 13 mins
i would like to column an expandable line that randomly adapts to the specifications of a cell. Example> b2 random number from 1-100 according to the number, the number of cells with random numbers (from-to) is generated in another arbitrary column.
Solved by E. A. in 20 mins
i need help adding a random number to my excel burn down chart