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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I have a list of items in column A, this list can be any length whatsoever, at any time, added to or taken away from. I also have a random number generator that generates an integer between 1 and the total number of items on column A. what I then want to do is use the random number I've generated to call whatever corresponding item on the list and show it to me somewhere near the default page location. For example if I call item 315, I want whatever is in A315 to appear somewhere near the top of the page, instead of having to scroll down to A315 myself.
Solved by V. A. in 16 mins
I have a number generator (randbetween(1,69)) that will generate a table of 5 numbers. I am trying to eliminate previous number rows from the generator.
Solved by Z. Y. in 18 mins
I have a list of random generated numbers from 1 through 100. I need a formula that will list the number of instances for each number 1 through 100. For example: My list generates 1000 random generated numbers between 1 and 100. I want to know how many times the number 50 is resulted from the 1000 random generated numbers.
Solved by V. D. in 13 mins
i need help adding a random number to my excel burn down chart
Solved by B. U. in 22 mins
Hello, I'm conducting a statistical sample on a worksheet and from the 3000+ data points, I need to pull all of a row's contents for 51 of 3000+ identified from a random number generator (separate worksheet) my workplace uses. How do I take those 51 data points and highlight all of its rows contents (only those 51)?
Solved by O. Y. in 24 mins