Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I have a number generator (randbetween(1,69)) that will generate a table of 5 numbers. I am trying to eliminate previous number rows from the generator.
Solved by Z. Y. in 18 mins
I'm trying to create a random weighted generators based on certain criteria. On the "Magic Items" tab I have a list of things I want the tabs "Shop Generator" and "Item Generator" to pull from with weights based on their rarity from the "Prices" tab. So on the "Shop Generator" tab I want it to populate each shop based off the tab "Shops". For instance Blacksmith will generate 6 items from the tab "Magic Items" with the tags Armor, and Weapon. Then it generates a gold value for each item based on rarity from the "Prices" tab. Then it adjusts all the prices based on the shop quality in the tab "Prices"
Solved by B. B. in 13 mins
I'm sending out letter and i've got all my names and addresses on an excel spreadsheet. is there a way of creating letter heads quickly from excel?
Solved by C. J. in 29 mins
when printing, excel defaults to paper size letter
Solved by B. J. in 17 mins
After I typed a letter in a cell, when I tried to type a second letter, the Excel restart. Tried to reinstall, still not working