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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Excel keeps changing my 10 digit number that I enter and adds a decimal points followed by random numbers.
Solved by S. Q. in 17 mins
I have a number generator (randbetween(1,69)) that will generate a table of 5 numbers. I am trying to eliminate previous number rows from the generator.
Solved by Z. Y. in 18 mins
CHange decimal number into hour................
Solved by C. C. in 15 mins
I am trying to make a random exam generator using a database of numbers with corresponding book questions. The exams 12 questions long with questions being randomly assigned by their number from the database. I have generated exams and want to print the questions to the exams by their number ID and their color. For example, I have done EXAM 1-10 by hand. How do I do this en mass?
Solved by D. J. in 21 mins
Hello, I'm conducting a statistical sample on a worksheet and from the 3000+ data points, I need to pull all of a row's contents for 51 of 3000+ identified from a random number generator (separate worksheet) my workplace uses. How do I take those 51 data points and highlight all of its rows contents (only those 51)?
Solved by O. Y. in 24 mins