Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need to put in the PV formula
50/(1+.1) + 50/(1+.1)^2 ...40/(1+.1)^20
They paid 1.8million to install panels at capacity of 500kw, life expectancy of 20yrs and discount rate is 10%
Solved by Z. J. in 21 mins
My PV formula isn't working for my PV Benefits column and my PV Costs Column and I can't move on until they do. Also I can's figure out what formula goes into the NPV Chart to figure out what it is asking for. Please help.
Solved by D. D. in 27 mins
how to find the actual loan amount in PV formula excel
Solved by X. Y. in 17 mins
I need to deliver an assignment o PV solar and I lack Excel skills. Can you help?
Solved by I. U. in 25 mins
I'm trying to calculate a PV Function, but having an error message