Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need a population projection formula for excel i have 20,926,117 as the current population and the growth rate is 3.3, i need to find the projected population
Solved by E. H. in 11 mins
What does variance +/- 30 days mean in excel?
Solved by S. L. in 25 mins
I have a problem regarding to How to Calculate the Percent Variance in Excel
Solved by X. C. in 19 mins
Continue with problem on variance. Need a fomula in cell C8 that will add the variance from the current month with any variance from prior months based off the two criteria chosen in cells D4 & D5 (Name & Cost Category).
Solved by E. U. in 19 mins
I'm doing a Bio lab results excel sheet. I can't figure out how to use Variance and Confidence Interval.