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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I require Column H to start payments from a loan calculator built into spreadsheet, after Column G is completed payments from a separate loan calculator based on the payback period set, and for Column H to end after the payback period endsas set in the loan calculator. I have a file but it won't load.
Solved by T. L. in 20 mins
I need to investigate installing a wind turbine at a site with an average wind speed = 7 m/s. Electricity costs $0.13/kWhr. The turbine has a capital cost of $2.5 M and $150,000 yearly operation and maintenance fees. There is no salvage value. Use a MARR of 4 %. Determine the discounted Payback Period. Use the Rayleigh distribution to determine wind turbine revenues.
Solved by S. U. in 24 mins
Hello, I have this Excel file. Is it possible to make a graph based on a variable period in time (for example see temperature variation for a period of 3 days only).
Solved by Z. U. in 18 mins
I need to define a date to the right accounting period in my excel worksheet.
Solved by Z. Y. in 23 mins
I need formula that can sum the amount for specific period for specific criteria from a table. the table has periods, which the specific period is included in the table period
Solved by M. Q. in 27 mins