Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
How to find the p-value of this data in excel.
Solved by F. H. in 11 mins
Test the hypothesis using the P-value approach. Be sure to verify the requirements of the test. Upper H 0 : p= 0.46 versus Upper H 1 : p less< 0.46 n equals 150, x equals 63, alpha equals 0.01 Use technology to find the P-value.
Solved by K. L. in 24 mins
Need your quick he[p in excel formula building.
Solved by Z. W. in 11 mins
Formula for T is =IF(P2> 0.5, S2, R2). Column P is either 50% or 70%, S is 50% Calc, R is 70% calc. When P is 50% is want S value, but am getting R??
Solved by M. Q. in 12 mins
I need a formula to populate columns AH and AQ with the same value that is entered into column P