Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Hi I'm stuck with a pivot chart trying to calculate the average of mistakes per area. I have the chart to that point. per week and area and shows bar for total amount and total mistakes per area and an average of those mistakes base on totals per area. I will like to show an overall average. For example if I filter for a week for all areas that I can see the average per area and the overall average. please help.
Solved by K. D. in 18 mins
Complete the Statistics Table, at the bottom of the sheet, by calculating the average, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum (rows 103 107) for AS1, AS2, AS3 and the Overall Average columns
Solved by M. E. in 30 mins
I can't seem to figure out how to find the average daily attendance by month, by role, and overall based on the data available to me.
Solved by O. E. in 27 mins
-In column L, calculate the overall average grade for each students chapter assignments and exam. The overall average grade is the average of the contents in columns D through J. In Row 14 for each chapter and exam, create an AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average grade for those students who actually received a grade other than 0. Format both Row 14 and Column L to show one decimal. -In column M, calculate the final grade using a nested IF statement using the guidelines below: ------------ -Use conditional formatting in the final grade cell using light red fill with dark red text for any student earning an F. RULES ARE DOWNLOADED
Solved by Z. J. in 23 mins
I would like support on how to now find the average attendance by month by role and overall based on the data shared in Pivot table 1 of the linked sheet