Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
When opening some spreadsheet files it opens up the file plus a blank excel window behind it. ALL the buttons are grayed out.
Solved by G. J. in 20 mins
I am using Windows 10. on a PC. I have two old Excel files which are 97-2003 Worksheets. Both contain data. One (42 kb) opens showing the data. The other (12,544 kb) opens but shows a blank sheet. Can you help?
Solved by Z. D. in 14 mins
Last week my company downloaded excel 2016 to my computer. Now when I open an existing excel file, it always opens a blank one in the background. How do I fix that?
Solved by F. F. in 28 mins
I save my spreadsheet to the desktop. when I try to open it. the page is blank. If i open from Excel 2016, it opens just fine. But I want it on my desktop for quick access
Solved by F. L. in 20 mins
Every time that I open Excel on my iPad, the same file opens. How can I keep that file from opening or change the file that automatically opens.