Suppose you are consultant for a farmer who owns 100 acres of usable land. She wants to plant some combination of corn and wheat on the land. She wants you to build a spreadsheet that will calculate NPV and IRR based on her estimates for costs and revenues related to this project.
Create an NPV analysis template that the farmer can use to make the optimal investment decision. Use the following template.
Excel HW #4 - template.xlsxPreview the document
"Assumptions" Tab
Insert placeholder data of your choosing into yellow input cells
Create dynamic calculations for all non-input cells
"Worksheet" tab
Create dynamic calculations using data from assumptions tab
"ROI" Tab
Create dynamic cash flow calculations for each year using data from the other tabs
Use excel formulas to calculate NPV and IRR based on the net cash flow data
Use conditional formatting to indicate when the NPV and IRR indicate a good investment
"Scenarios" Tab
Answer the questions relating to each scenario using your completed spreadsheet as the calculator
Seek help from classmates and/or TAs as necessary. Upload your completed file to Canvas prior to the due date
Solved by B. B. in 28 mins