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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

getting #NAME error in excel AVERAGE formula
Solved by F. F. in 30 mins
#NAME ? error in excel file,please help me resolve issue
Solved by E. Y. in 28 mins
= EPMOlapMemberO("[COSTCTR].[PARENTH1].[C_GF161370]","","Japan IT","","000") gives #name? error in my excel 2013 but everyone with excel 2011 gets no error
Solved by F. S. in 18 mins
I've written a (VBA) function in excel. It compiles error free. But when I try to call it I get error #NAME - like it can't find it?
Solved by O. H. in 13 mins
NAME error occurs without any errors in the function
Solved by K. L. in 21 mins