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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

why is my excel Name Box not showing my current cursor name? Instead showing a very big digit 75383522 in the name box Thanks
Solved by D. J. in 12 mins
hi, I could not access name box and typing box in excel sheet
Solved by Z. A. in 26 mins
why is my excel Name Box not showing my cursor name? Instead showing a very big digit 75383522 and why is a 8 dots square box with a hook icon keep popping up and I can't do anything (I didn't request this icon)? Thanks
Solved by E. E. in 14 mins
I'm trying to create a formula where a name in a corresponding cell would be recognized and another name generated based on that name (e.g. put a student's name in a cell and a teacher's name for a department that has the student automatically puts the teacher's name in that box)
Solved by G. C. in 12 mins
i need a formula to find name of student with hight mark in each subject with drop down box
Solved by F. E. in 24 mins