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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need to create a multiple regression model with categorical variables
Solved by B. B. in 13 mins
I need help with multiple regression Analysis on excel
Solved by F. A. in 27 mins
I need help running and deciphering a multiple linear regression analysis with many independent variables.
Solved by X. B. in 30 mins
A criminologist is interested in the effects of unemployment and policing on murder and has run the following multiple regression:
Solved by S. H. in 14 mins
A criminologist is interested in the effects of unemployment and policing on murder and has run the following multiple regression: Summary Output Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.90303 R Square 0.815462 Adjusted R Square 0.762737 Standard Error 5.11041 Observations 10 Coefficients Standard Error t Statistic P-value Intercept 23.26309588 7.075518018 3.28783 0.013342 Unemployment rate 10.27754326 2.172859937 4.729961 0.002133 Police per 100,000 0.046737101 0.023409765 1.99648 0.086065
Solved by Z. S. in 16 mins