Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need to create a multiple regression model with categorical variables
Solved by B. B. in 13 mins
I need help with multiple regression Analysis on excel
Solved by F. A. in 27 mins
I need help running and deciphering a multiple linear regression analysis with many independent variables.
Solved by X. B. in 30 mins
A criminologist is interested in the effects of unemployment and policing on murder and has run the following multiple regression:
Solved by S. H. in 14 mins
I have created a formula with true and false however would like it to be $0 if the cells are blank. =IF(AND(OR('BT Calculator'!C4="Super/Pension",'BT Calculator'!C4="IDPS"),'BT Calculator'!D4-'BT Calculator'!E4=0),180,540)