Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I have a current formula I'm using thats converting hours worked into decimals - ie; 53 hours 49 minutes > 53.81667 How do I add to the formula so its only showing 53.81 =VALUE(MID(A1,1,FIND(":",A1,1)-1))+VALUE(MID(A1,FIND(":",A1,1)+1,LEN(A1)))/60
Solved by G. A. in 26 mins
Can you re edit this formula for me =IFERROR(IF(LEN(MID("RHS",1,FIND("RHS",B4,1)))=1,LEFT(B4,3),MID("RHS",1,FIND("RHS",B4,1))),MID("LHS",1,FIND("LHS",B4,1)))
Solved by S. L. in 24 mins
Hi, I would like a certain cell to highlight green if the first value in the string is greater tham the last. For example, a sport match score of 6:3, therefore 6>3 goes greenn. I tried with IF(VALUE(MID(A1,1,1))>VALUE(MID(A1,3,3))) but it doesn't work. Plese help.
Solved by A. E. in 18 mins
I require some help on column S on tab TrueUp AddProd. If you select a value on column R Tier of Mid-Term Tier 2 or Tier 1, the value is reversed between these 2. For example, on row 408 the value on column S is listed as $4763.52 with column R being Mid-Term Tier 2. It should be $3175.68 based on the column R value. $4763.52 would be the value if Mid-Term Tier 1 was selected in column R.
Solved by V. Y. in 27 mins
This is regarding tab TrueUp AddProd. I need help with listing values for column S Mid Term Fee. For example: -If Column R = Azure then Mid Term Fee on column S = 0.00 AND -If Column R = Mid Term Core, Mid Term Tier 2, and Mid Term Tier 1 = a VLOOKUP type rule Look at the Agreement Number in column A on TrueUp AddProd Tab Look for the same Agreement Number in Column A on Agreement Levels tab. They should match. Then take the corresponding Mid Term Core or Mid Term Tier 2 or 1 value on columns L through N of Agreement levels tab and times it by The Extended Amount K column on TrueUp AddProd tab.