Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
how many sales do I need to make 30,000 a year
Solved by M. E. in 12 mins
how do i find the frequency of how many times each customer bought something within the year
Solved by S. J. in 24 mins
I need to identify how many positions were added in 2017-2018 in comparison to the previous year and identify how many positions, what type of positions and the financial impact.
Solved by X. U. in 19 mins
I am trying to show how many employees left in the first 6 months and the first year of employment.
Solved by G. H. in 13 mins
how do i assign a numeric value to a letter ie the letter H in an absence holiday report to be given a value of 1 so i can calculate how many holidays have been taken in the calendar year