Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need to change the increments in my scatter plot in the most recent version of excel, the only options I am given is default, thousands, millions, billions, and log. I need custom increments.
Solved by G. J. in 17 mins
hi. I am using excel on Mac. I am trying to calculate log for my data. the log value gets calculated for whole numbers but not for decimal numbers. What do I do?
Solved by Z. J. in 30 mins
an account log-in box is showing when starting the program, but I have no Idea which account to log on with?
Solved by X. F. in 16 mins
Im trying to find formulas that calculate the values for slope, intercept, and r^2 for a log regression (the values from the log regression formula in the chart view).
Solved by O. J. in 29 mins
i am trying to create a attendance with google sheet and qr scan everything is fine but i want help with finding log in and log out time