Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
please how can write this function in one cell
100 log [ h +7.57- 1.7(W) ^0.37
Solved by O. J. in 30 mins
Hi, I need help with a function where I can get the first log time in a series of batches which has a cycle time of 1 hour for example.
Solved by D. Y. in 22 mins
I’m trying to find excel formula that calculate the values for slope, intercept, and r^2 for a log regression (the values from the log regression formula in the chart view).
Solved by O. J. in 29 mins
Good day!
I have this log file and I want to have a formula that can automatically create a graph/bar chart to show the temperature variation for the duration of any 7 days.
Because I want to show my customer the temperature increase / decrease over time.
Solved by Z. H. in 28 mins
Use excel to find the quadratic function whose graph is a parabola containing the points (-2,1137), (2,1017), (3,1062).