Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I would like to create a spider web chart using a quadratic equation and a combo chart for linear equation.
Solved by V. U. in 27 mins
I need help on computing montecarlo simulation & how to create a graph for a linear equation.
Solved by K. A. in 28 mins
Made a graph and obtained a linear equation y = 0.0946x - 0.022. I have a series of y values, how can I use the equation to obtain the corresponding x values?
Solved by O. S. in 22 mins
I would like to create a linear line graph on my data and compute equation using solver. I tried to work on this but it doesn't work.
Solved by B. B. in 14 mins
I want help on my assignment for a list of problem in linear interpolation equation and needs graph for each of it. hope someone can help me.