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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

i need the columns under top track, bottom track side angle and angle top bottom to have drop down options . just like column F of sheet 1 does. instead of what i currently have which is marking X on the appropriate choice
Solved by S. A. in 18 mins
Is there any way to reverse the order of row and column heading so cell A1 is bottom right as opposed to top left?
Solved by O. C. in 11 mins
I need a formula that at the bottom is 50000 and the top 6 rows any value inputed minuses from the 50000
Solved by T. S. in 15 mins
You need to calculate the bonuses for all the sales staff. The bonus structure of the company is such that it is divided into 3 categories (Top, Middle & Bottom) so you first need to create a table that sums up the total sales by salesperson. Then using this table calculate the lower and upper limits of the three groups . The bottom performers get $0 bonus, the middle performers get a $5,000 bonus and the top performers get $10,000 bonus. Who gets what bonus?
Solved by D. J. in 30 mins
Hi There, How will highlight the middle cell if top and bottom cells are same in excel with conditional formatting.
Solved by F. Q. in 14 mins