Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I want to apply a formula to filtered cells only (i.e. what the subtotal function does, but with formulas that are not under the subtotal scope)
Solved by A. E. in 26 mins
I have a range of data that I need to subtotal based on if it is yes or no. So person a total # of results (subtotal) but then within that subtotal how many yes and how many no. I know I can subtotal three times but was looking for one formula.
Solved by O. E. in 25 mins
When using the function 'subtotal 9' the data is filtered and once I change the filter the subtotal changes too. I want to keep the original subtotal as I need to get a few different subtotals for my project.
Solved by V. L. in 26 mins
When I link cells to another excel ss, and the second ss is subtotalled, the subtotal expands and I don't know how to keep the subtotal collapsed.
Solved by E. Q. in 21 mins
I used the this formaula=IFS(SUBTOTAL(2,F8:F92),COUNTIF(F8:F92,"3"))
but the count if "3" is not changing the subtotal numbers while doing filtering