Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
How can i split a number in 1 cell by 30% 30% 30% and 10%?
Solved by C. F. in 30 mins
I have a problem regarding to How to Split Text and Numbers with a Formula in Excel
Solved by T. J. in 20 mins
how can i split a cell in excel like i can in word? i want to display fy17 & fy18 data in one cell. i just downloaded kutools but it's not allowing me to do it unless i just don't understand how. see attachment
Solved by E. A. in 19 mins
I have to split the first and last names and remove the middle names in excel cell
Solved by A. H. in 26 mins
The screen has split and the titles are in the bottom split. How do I return it to the normal view with no split screen?