Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need a clear understanding on how to use relative references to set up macros for some of my repetitive excel tasks
Solved by D. Y. in 17 mins
how to find specific text but not set a specific cell as reference using macros
Solved by I. D. in 15 mins
need help with changing the scrip/ macros set up where a email is sent from clicking one button. I don't want to send the whole sheet, only the one specific tab
Solved by A. W. in 27 mins
Formula for Macros....when we have v look up
Solved by X. H. in 22 mins
I have a Macro button set up to Save File to PDF, but need to adjust the coding so it will save to the current active file tree. I am unable to upload my file with active macros