Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I have clicked 'print titles' in my excel worksheet and and also print gridlines. The gridlines show in print preview but don't actually print. Is there any way to actually print the gridlines?
Solved by V. L. in 20 mins
Print an Excel sheet with gridlines IN. O
Solved by Z. E. in 13 mins
I have the print gridlines box unchecked, and in print preview, there are no gridlines printing. However, when I print my document, gridlines are showing up.
Solved by G. L. in 25 mins
I want to insert gridlines. They show on the print preview but not all of the gridlines actually print. What to do please?
Solved by M. S. in 16 mins
I save the spreadsheet with print gridlines and view only headlines. However, each time I print I have to recheck gridlines & uncheck headings.