Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
lost all my data, excel sheet is blank now. how to recover?
Solved by V. U. in 24 mins
One document, multiple sheets, linking from master sheet to subsiquent sheets. How can I make linked cells that have no data to be blank instead of showing - or 0?
Solved by S. C. in 11 mins
hey, i want to make sheet to keep records but for that in blank sheet i need to make filter and put some commands which i want them to get it on click
Solved by E. Y. in 29 mins
How can I make excel sheet that can send data direct to web tool
Solved by S. Y. in 26 mins
I had an inventory control sheet made but I need to find out how to make one of the choices blank so it can be filled in manually instead of predetermined choices in the drop down menu