Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need to learn how to make a square around cells. example: class- date- instructor-room times how do I make lines up and down to make these in a box and can keep adding more information like above? Also for the lines not to move when I add more information
Solved by T. C. in 29 mins
How do I enter an Excel formula using a square root, e.g. =5(square root of 9.7)?
Solved by C. U. in 20 mins
Type in the R square of my model ( Hint: R square after first iteration) ?
Solved by A. L. in 20 mins
I am trying to make a combo chart. Y axis Number of stores and Square Footage, X-axis 2018, 2019, 2020. I have one data set with stores and two data sets with Square footage. Need help constructing it