Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Hey, Not exactly the same question. I wonder how to interpret these values. I do the regression to risk-adjust returns using the Fama French three factor model, but I don't understand how to interpret the results.
Solved by D. W. in 18 mins
Need to convert categorical data to numericala data for logistic regression
Solved by D. H. in 16 mins
I want to run a logistic regression analysis on my sheet of data, and I would appreciate some expert to help me.
Solved by D. C. in 17 mins
How do I do a logistic regression? I've done it once a long time ago, but need a refresher since I recall it being pretty complicated.
Solved by T. Q. in 24 mins
I want to know how to interpret t-test results for an F distribution with unequal variances in Excel.