Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Hi, I need to find out how to calculate squared percentage of each subcategorie in each field in a pivot table
Solved by X. D. in 11 mins
In column A, I have a list of names. The names are listed as Last name~First name, with that tilde symbol in between. I want to delete the symbol ~ and all the characters that come after it. Then I want to add the word RESIDENCE after each last name.
Solved by I. S. in 16 mins
How do I get the "stock" symbol to show in the Data tab in Excel 365
Solved by Z. Y. in 11 mins
I have a worksheet that is used in multiple countries. When opened in the UK, the $ symbol is changed to the pounds symbol, when opened in Europe it is changed to Euros, etc. How can I stop this?
Solved by A. E. in 16 mins
Want to embed .pdf file in excel. When I select insert object adobe files are not an option only word documents.