Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
For some reason, the option to merge cells is grayed out. How can I fix this?
Solved by Z. U. in 11 mins
My spreadsheet has quit calculating properly. Anytime I try to add to cells I just get 0.00?? How can I fix this?
Solved by I. J. in 29 mins
I have fix some Conditionla formatting in Excel cells and fix the different Colour. But when i choose one colour with filter , it's picked also some cells of other Colour.
Solved by A. Q. in 23 mins
Hi- I am trying to move cells/columns/rows around on a very large excel spreadsheet and i dont know how to sort them. Please let me know how to I can fix this!
Solved by Z. L. in 29 mins
I am working from an excel workbook and have linked cells to a word document. My links in the word document is now broken. How do I fix this?