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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

how do you figure t-statistic One tailed t-value Two tailed t-value (+ and -)
Solved by K. W. in 21 mins
i need t know how to do a vlookup using a drop down list as value
Solved by Z. Q. in 20 mins
This is regarding tab EES on the attached spreadsheet. I want Column T to be: If column S is EES then the value of column T is 0.05* Column P If column S is Azure then the value of Column T is 0
Solved by V. F. in 27 mins
i am having problem with my formula, i cannot identify what it is. "=IF($I2<>"",AVERAGE(LEFT(I2,FIND("Y",I2)-1*1*($I$2:$I$8400))))" as i get t #VALUE!
Solved by V. U. in 14 mins
Have multiple formulas on spreadsheet and differenct cells represent different values but trying make one orange cell be equal to a value, simarly red cell and green cell will need to reflect values for example cell AO10 is orange T and cell D3 is the value - how deo you make the organge T = D3?
Solved by X. A. in 18 mins