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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

How do I create a boarder around a table that allows me to tab a new line while moving the table below down a line?
Solved by C. C. in 28 mins
I need to create a special line within a cell on excel.
Solved by S. S. in 26 mins
Is it possible to force excel to accept the "enter" in a single cell rather then "alt+enter" to start a new line.
Solved by O. C. in 15 mins
I am inserting a new line in a column where some of the values are "good" and some are "neutral" (green and white respectively to mark complete and incomplete tasks) whenever I insert a new line, I type in text and it is auto formatted to a "good" cell, how do I stop it
Solved by I. C. in 20 mins
Hi I need to format all of the cells so that when something is typed in one cell it makes the height of the cell bigger and starts a new line within that cell rather than just staying on the same line in the cell
Solved by V. H. in 20 mins